Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Cintron's Holiday Movie Review: Happy Christmas

See it because:
-That baby is the best baby EVER
-There is something very real & relatable about the interaction between the characters
-That sweet Aussie accent

Skip it because:
-You might not care about a documentary-styled indie film about in-law chemistry that is over very quickly by not allowing itself to fall into typical Holiday movie clichés

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


My God
My wife
My family
My friends
My health
My job
My coworkers
My guests
My sense of humor
My finances
My enemies
My quirks
My flaws
My lusts
My ambitions
My doubts
My holiday weight
My home
My unfinished songs
My freedom
My imagination
My braces
My car
My phone
My PS3
My guitars
My laptop
My clothes
My food
My sadness
My fears
My anxiety
My laziness
My punctuality
My words
My knowledge
My lack thereof
My new family
My hearing
My sight
My fingers
My toes
My arms
My legs
My bald head
My awesome beard
My past
My present
My future
My city
My state
My country
My music
My perseverance
My benevolence
My sleep
My self
My lunch breaks
My wife's cooking
My wife's loving
My fights
My ups
My downs
My wrinkles
My white hairs
My stretch marks
My voice
My flow
My mic
My blog
My yesterday
My today
My tomorrow
My journey
My next journey when this one ends
My beginning

Monday, November 10, 2014

A Series Of Unexpected Events

I feel like I've allowed so much time to pass on moments & situations that were probably so relevant at one time, that expressing the fact that they happened in the first place is almost pointless. That, or I'm too lazy to list them all. Oh no.
It was all at once a very pleasant, fun, & uncertain Summer for me. China was wonderful & new. The engagement was icing on the cake. Moving in together was something planned, but, as most of us come to discover, a learning experience for the both of us. The one thing that thankfully we both know for certain, is that we love each other enough to make it through whatever God decides we need to go through. It makes us stronger. Cheesy? You bet. 1000% true? Yup.
Her parents visited, we got married, met some more in-laws that I'm happy to say I have, had a great time with them here, then her best friend visited, had a great time with her here, & then there was the brief-but-oh-so-nerve-wracking period of not knowing if or when I'd be employed again anytime soon. That was fun. God answered my prayers, and I got the phonecall to come back to work a whole month earlier than I did last year. Yessss.
There were & are other things taking place that intertwine with all of this. I think there's always those unspoken, personal things that go on in our lives. Mine is family related. Oh, so is yours? We'll let that one sit there for now.
We moved a couple of weeks ago. Right across the street. Didn't plan on it, was more of an obligation due to the circumstance. I definitely don't think we were prepared for it. Between having to pay a months rent/security/broker fee and not even having my first paycheck of the season yet, I know we weren't prepared for it. But, with a little faith & some help from our loved ones, we pulled through.
Currently, its November, I'm on my way to a closing shift, and that's about the size of it. I don't really know if this one really had a point. Maybe the purpose of it is to reflect on what life on earth is: mostly a series of unexpected events that we do our best to make the most out of. That's what it is for me.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


I'm always putting out fires
Everywhere I go
No matter how long I lay my head down
No matter where I call home
I'm always putting out fires
Big & small
There are scars from the flames
And I've lost track of all the names
Of all the ones I tried to save
Even when saving them was in vain
I'm always putting out fires
Everywhere I go

Some of them might be my own

Friday, August 15, 2014

Hyper Zombie Mode II

Hospital. They don't really care, do they?
What song? Why now?
Emergencies happen, even in the city of the sleepless.
Concerned always, but tired. Tired, definitely.
Third hour parking meter. Few more minutes. They told me not to leave. I won't. Not until I have answers.
A lot of looks. From a lot of looks. Mostly dull.
But the city never looses it's luster.
Cooler now. Rain? Dunno yet. Waiting.
Story of my life.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

You Can't Please Em All... instead I'll just do my absolute best to please my Lord & Savior, wife, friends, and family, first. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

"Are You Still Chasing That Dream?" the question a close friend of mine asked me recently. I didn't really know how to react to or take that. Was he ribbing? Was he serious? Was the doubt that I drew from him merely self created? Or does everyone in my circle really believe that I've given up on my "dream" & should stop?
Suffice to say, the short answer is, no. No, I am not done chasing that dream. Or any other dream I may have, for that matter. 

I don't particularly know where it was written that just because someone stops talking about their goals, or places focus on more prominent and/or personal matters for a certain period of time, that it means they've altogether "given up" or "stopped chasing" their dream.

I don't even like that term. Chasing a dream. It's not a fking Pokemon. Or something that's running away from me. I guess by his standards & notions, unless I "make it big", then it doesn't mean anything. Sure, I'd like some recognition for the talents that God has blessed me with. And I'd love to be able to do what I love for a living; whether it be behind a mic, in front of a camera, on a screen, in a book, or in some other capacity. But even if I had a humble following at a local venue, I'd be cool with that. Would I like more than that? If it be in God's plan for me, absolutely. Because I'm most definitely not here just to be "ok" at what I do. I 
want to have a place among the best. I want to be respected for my craft. I want people to look at my work and say "There's a guy who really cares about what he does; who is passionate about his expression for better or for worse, and is unafraid to sing to the melody of his own tune".

All I know is that as long as there are people out there releasing less-than-inspired hot garbage, and as long as there are those who are willing to consume said hot garbage, then hell no. I am not done "chasing that dream". Not by a long shot.

And neither should anyone else who has a dream.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Reflecting On My Trip To China (With Pictures!)

I spent 8 (5-6 if you count the time it took actually traveling) days in Chongqing (pronounced "Chong Ching", try not to laugh), and Shanghai, China with my now fiance (oh snaps!), for a close friend of mine's wedding. This was my first time ever traveling abroad, and the learning experience is something that I will not soon forget. I don't want to bore anyone terribly with all of the little details that I'd normally get into, so I've decided to list certain things that stuck out to me each day during the trip (with pictures! P.S. All images © 2014 Chris Cintron)

1. Uncle Joe is the effin MAN

Now here is a man that I can only hope to be like when I get older. Happy, healthy, lovable, and sending you off to China with some good ol' Italian Espresso shots in the morning! Wooee!!

2. Delays suck. No matter what part of the world you're in.

And it just so happened to happen several times before, during, and after China. Yay.

3. After taking a 15+ hour plane ride to Shanghai, then another 2+ hour trip to Chonqing, I believe time travel is possible. And exhausting. And uncomfortable.

...Bring a book. Or twelve. And travel light. And don't sit in between large people. Or near crying babies. You're welcome.

4. Sure, the flights' long. But China Eastern Airlines likes to keep you FED.

What is it that I'm eating? Who the hell cares? Anything to take my mind off the numbness in my legs and the crying babies! Seriously though, if you like Asian fare, you won't be disappointed. Meals were always fresh and satisfying.

5. When's the last time your airline taught you Tai Chi on an effin plane?

I also learned how to Hadouken (finally).

6. The weather was not our friend this go around.

This was me upon our arrival to Chongqing, where the sun was beating down on us, and my friend's families had finally settled the debate as to whose car we were travelling in. Sweaty & confused. And not in that good way. Wait, what?

7. Chongqing has some really interesting architecture IMHO.

Art museums, towers, bridges; all very familiar feeling yet, with it's own character. I can dig it.

8. Clubs over in Chongqing really try to outdo themselves.

Scantily clad women singing Lady Gaga? Some dude in a white fur coat singing Jason Derulo while a bunch of Chinese girls in nurses outfits do a dance number? Random girls coming up to me, taking selfies, and toasting? Thank God I'm not single anymore. I'll leave it at that :x

9. Chongqing's touristy shopping area felt like something straight out of an old Bruce Lee movie. I even almost bought nunchucks! That probably would've been a problem with customs though.

Narrow pathways, hidden alleys, and lots and lots of people around these here parts. Stuff is really inexpensive, our dollar is worth about 6 of theirs.

10. China Hearts the US.

11. And has very wtf-ish English translations.

Please enjoy which flight? This flight, of course! And never forget to drink best rich your taste, either. Words to live by.

12. Many toilets in Chongqing are state of the art. No seriously.

13. Not a huge fan of the hot pot, I won't lie.

So just what is hot pot, the spicy food that Chongqing is known for? Well, you can read up about it right here, I will just say that frozen duck blood cubes, cow intestine/gums, and mystery meatballs did all sound scrum-diddly-umptious, but I decided to pass.

14. Shanghai. Definitely want to go back to visit someday.

This was the place we spent the least amount of time in. The pictures show a much more Western influence and tourist-friendly atmosphere than Chongqing, so naturally as a big city guy I'd be more attracted to it.

15. Being a best man for your childhood friend's wedding is pretty friggin awesome.

This once in a lifetime experience wouldn't have been even a thought in my brain if he never asked me to be there for it. As we grow older, we realize that some of our strongest bonds are the ones we establish before we even know how important they are. Nothing but prayers of God's blessings for the both of you.

16. Shocking your girlfriend on the plane ride back with a proposal is also pretty friggin awesome.

Especially when you're jet-lagged! Before proposal on plane...

...and after.

I hope I was able to shed some light on the experience of travelling abroad for the first time. This is not something I would have ever imagined would be possible without the great people that God has placed in my life. To Albert, Shirley, Annie, Mom, Dad, Auntie, and my beautiful fiance Jen, this one's for you.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Blur

A Blur
Constant, repeating, yet different
Back and forth
Colors that I can't quite make out
Feelings associated with each
Moments I'm afraid I won't remember
A fast life with substance
Substance yet, no speed
Just sped up
Hard to stop and appreciate it
When you're doing 100
And you're always blinking
But I still see something
That might be all that matters
A Blur