Monday, June 13, 2016

The Fear Of Living

My coffee maker crapped out on me this morning. Of all mornings. Haven't worked in nearly a month, so of course it should definitely happen on the day in which I'm attempting to reconfigure myself, get back into Work Mode.
Then my hardboiled egg exploded in the microwave. Cleanup for that was fun. I enjoyed what little bits I could salvage without eating the shell.
Should've known something was up with today the moment my dog, for the first time ever, decided to not immediately dive right into his bowl of breakfast. Something's wrong with today.
Yet, there's a part of me that is fully aware of the fact that, as not so great of a morning that I'm having, there are those who are truly having a terrible day in Orlando, probably all over the country for that matter.
And so I'm spending this train ride reflecting, on the somber news being reported on TV, to the normally jovial radio personalities who instead of prank calling unsuspecting listeners, are acknowledging the tragedy of several hours ago.
I feel like I generally have a sense of optimism when it comes to life. But between recent events, not just the incident in Orlando; but the series of slashings, random robberies, assaults, and seemingly countless crimes all over the Tri-state area, it's honestly been that much harder to maintain that optimism.
There are those who say that if we live in fear, that we are giving them exactly what they want. They say we should do the exact opposite. Celebrate. Go out. Fear nothing.
I get it. We probably should. When all's said & done, what's going to happen is going to happen. I personally pray that myself and those closest to me would not be harmed.
But to live as though this is a time in which there is absolutely nothing to fear...I feel that there exists a thin line between fear & ignorance.

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